Milton Keynes Aerial

Image: Milton Keynes City Council

Project Details

Working alongside a series of our partners including Gleeds and Corstorphine & Wright, IPW advised Milton Keynes City Council on the feasibility of a flexible city centre events venue. The venue is a key part of the Council’s Strategy for 2050, its long-term vision for the city and the future, seeking to ensure that everyone in Milton Keynes can lead happy, healthy lives.

Our analysis was structured to align with HM Treasury Business Case guidance, included significant primary and secondary research and partner/ operator engagement, and considered a range of capacity and configuration options to identify the optimum solution for Milton Keynes city centre.

Our team subsequently developed a detailed business plan for the proposed venue, based on extensive research and benchmarking and incorporating a series of scenarios/ sensitivities to give a clear and full picture of the projected operating position. This was complemented by the development of a comprehensive venue planning exercise and initial design work together with a costing exercise to inform funding/ financing solutions.

Our team’s analysis identified a maximum primary auditorium capacity target of up to 4,000 plus innovative secondary and tertiary spaces to maximise market appeal and usage. The venue’s flexible configuration and the range of different spaces will enable it to host concerts, family shows, entertainment events, conferences and exhibitions, serving as a key city centre anchor attraction.

The project is currently being analysed further as part of the Council’s overall city masterplan aspirations.

Project Leads

Tristan Pople
Associate Director

Nick Russell