Project Details
IPW… was appointed by Gateshead Council to complete an economic and social impact assessment of Gateshead International Stadium (GIS), establishing its historic and current contribution to the local economy and local wellbeing. This appointment sat within the context of a wider Council review of services that contribute to people’s physical and mental health – including sport and leisure, events, libraries, arts, heritage, allotments, community safety and public health.
Working with the Council’s team, we developed a framework to capture key data related to events previously held at GIS before applying our economic impact methodology (informed by the principles set out in HM Treasury’s Green Book) to quantify and report on key impact metrics including GVA, Employment and Social Wellbeing, together with a commentary on the many programmes and activities that are run through the facilities.
IPW… was also engaged to advise on the potential for future synergies with the NewcastleGateshead Quays development which is projected to open in 2024.