Project Details

Fort Regent is a major leisure facility in Jersey, including two multipurpose halls, gym, dance and spinning studios, squash courts, conference theatre, meeting rooms, sauna and steam facilities, shooting and archery ranges and outdoor ball courts.

IPW were initially involved in the project as part of the HOK team appointed by the States of Jersey to complete a design study developing a vision for the future of the facilities.

IPW‘s primary role was to perform a high-level critical ‘check and challenge’ of the facility mix components to refine the design brief, with a focus on financial performance. This work included demographic and financial analysis to identify the key options for the site to optimise the client’s investment.

Following this work, IPW were subsequently commissioned to develop a high-level concept business plan for the redevelopment of Fort Regent. This business plan focused on the sports, leisure, entertainment and business events elements of the proposed scheme developed by HOK.

Project Lead

Nick Russell